...inviting farming agents and their clients. Secondly, when it’s time for you to register and start using the CAP Information Service, we’ll contact you directly and send you a Registration...
...of verifying people’s identity, so the process can be done online.. You will be able to choose who you’d like to verify you from a list of certified companies. Working...
...beta?) and this year, we’ll be sending increasing numbers of customers their ‘Get started’ Registration Pack telling them that it’s time to get started. Find out how you can get...
...application and payment service for CAP schemes. When it’s time to register, you’ll receive a ‘Get started’ Registration Pack from us. Here we tell you what you’ll need to use...
This year's National Sheep Association's Sheep Event is set against the stunning backdrop of the Malvern Hills, Worcestershire.
From this week, the very first users of the new online application and payment service for all CAP schemes, called CAP Information Service, will be able to register and begin using a private beta of the service for themselves.
We have just finished several weeks of travelling around England with the Farming Advice Service (FAS), presenting at seminars for farm advisers on greening and the new online application and payment service for all CAP schemes, the CAP Information Service. …
We will be braving the crowds and the rain at this week’s annual Game Fair,
BBC Radio Four’s Farming Today spoke to Jo Broomfield and Emily Ball from the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Delivery Programme about the new online application and payment service being developed and what it means for CAP customers. This is part …
Senior staff from the Defra-led Common Agricultural Policy Delivery Programme, tasked with developing and introducing the new online application and payment service for all CAP schemes, called CAP Information Service, visited Forestry Commission England on 30 May to get a …