Natural England has recorded two live interactive presentations, aimed at land agents, on the Mid Tier of the Countryside Stewardship scheme. The first presentation covers the Mid-Tier Wild Pollinator and...
...short-list of priority (high-scoring options) to best address the environmental priorities in your area. To use the tool, you’ll need to register on the Rural Payments Service. If you applied...
...involves committing individual land parcels into an agreement, rather than the whole farm. The Mid Tier is focused on environmental improvements in the wider countryside, while Higher Tier specifically focuses...
The application window for the Woodland Creation grant has been open for over a month and we are pleased to have received over 140 requests for maps so far. An... placed to apply for. The interactive map lets applicants see what Countryside Stewardship is targeting in their area – whether their land is a hotbed for protected species, a...
...who has Higher Level Stewardship or Entry Level Stewardship agreements expiring this year to let them know which scheme they will be most suited to and what support is available....
Grant support for Woodland Creation under the Countryside Stewardship scheme opened for applications on 16 February 2016 with important improvements. Applicants who wish to create new woodland are encouraged to apply for support of up to £6,800 per hectare and …
The next round of Countryside Stewardship will open for applications on March 14, Natural England has announced. The 2016 application window for the Higher-tier and Mid-tier of the Countryside Stewardship scheme will be open earlier, and for longer, than in …