We want to stay connected with you so that we can contact you when we have important information to share, such as letting you know about new grants that are available, reminding you about application windows, or letting you know we have published the latest scheme guidance (FYI: Cross compliance is due before January).
Whether you’re applying for Countryside Stewardship, the Basic Payment Scheme or a Rural Development grant, or whether you’re a school or business that want to know the latest school milk quotas or hear how the latest ear tag list is being published, we want to make sure we can reach you.
We need your help
We’re asking everyone who’s registered on Rural Payments (businesses, agents and individuals) to check that we have the most up to date, valid email address on record, for you personally and for your business. This should be a current email address that is checked regularly. A valid email address is one that we can send an email to, and one that can receive an email.
It’s easier and it's quicker for us to contact you by email but the most important point is you get the information first. We still may have to contact people by post, but it takes a bit longer to receive the information. So if you want the right information for you, at the right time, in an easy-to-store way: update your email address.
Our promise
We promise to make sure that when we send you an email, you’ll be able to see what it’s about, just from the subject line. We will also only email you from a few specific email addresses. They are:
RPA Helpline: ruralpayments@defra.gsi.gov.uk and/or ruralpayments@rpa.gsi.gov.uk
Rural Payments Agency updates: ruralpayments@rpa-emails.com
Rural Payments Service updates: rpa@notifications.service.gov.uk and/or donotreply@admin.ruralpayments.service.gov.uk
Please add these to your contacts or your 'spam filter' so that you will always receive our important updates.
So why not sign in to the Rural Payments service now and check your details.
Check we have your most up to date email now!