CAP services – at the vanguard

We talk to Ian Trenholm, Senior Responsible Officer for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Delivery Programme, as he hands over to Dr Norma Wood; about both the programme’s progress and his views on online services.
We talk to Ian Trenholm, Senior Responsible Officer for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Delivery Programme, as he hands over to Dr Norma Wood; about both the programme’s progress and his views on online services.
At the Defra stand at the Livestock show, farmers have been trying out the new applications and payment service.
We are working with farmers and their membership bodies and unions throughout the development of the new CAP Information Service to ensure it meets the needs of our customers.
We talked to Jo Broomfield, the Programme Director for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Delivery Programme, the team which is tasked with delivering the new CAP Information Service. Jo points to two forces at work behind the Programme’s aims; the …
BBC Radio Four’s Farming Today spoke to Jo Broomfield and Emily Ball from the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Delivery Programme about the new online application and payment service being developed and what it means for CAP customers. This is part …
This week’s Common Agricultural Policy reform announcements begin to fill in some of the detail around the steps English farmers will have to take to meet the new EU-wide greening requirements from 2015. Details of the new requirements were made …
The team on the CAP Reform stand had a really good day at the Cereals Show near Royston on Wednesday and were back on Thursday for another sunny session with farmers and agents, showing them the new online application and …
Senior staff from the Defra-led Common Agricultural Policy Delivery Programme, tasked with developing and introducing the new online application and payment service for all CAP schemes, called CAP Information Service, visited Forestry Commission England on 30 May to get a …
New EU Common Agricultural Policy regulations, negotiated last year, mean that farmers must ensure five per cent of their land is set aside from farming as an Ecological Focus Area (EFA) to receive their full payment under the Basic Payment …
The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Delivery Programme’s Customer Insight team works with a range of people to show them the new online CAP application and payment service, called CAP Information Service, and get their feedback on how to improve it. …