With 2 weeks left until the 15 May deadline for BPS 2018 applications, here are some important reminders to help you when you apply online or on paper.
1. Read the guidance: some rules and processes have changed for 2018, so you should read the most up to date guidance before you apply. All the guidance you need is on GOV.UK, including the scheme rules, ‘How to claim online’ and ‘How to apply using a paper form’ - go to the BPS 2018 page. |
2. Reset your password on the Rural Payments service: to make it easier for customers who need to reset their password, the ‘How to... Reset your password on the Rural Payments service’ is available at YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQOH4Duhb38. |
3. Generate an application summary: if you’re applying online, you need to ‘generate’ an application summary, then ‘download’ it to read, print or save it to your computer. Then check that the information it contains is correct. If you have made changes in the Rural Payments service since you first generated your application, these will not show in either your application or application summary. To see the latest changes in the Rural Payments service, you need to generate a new application. This will then populate the application and application summary with the most recent information. For more information, read page 43 of the ‘How to claim online in 2018’ guidance. |
4. Check your digital maps: in the Rural Payments service. It’s important you do this because we’ve updated mapping information, where necessary, since applications were made for BPS in 2017. More information, including what to do if you do not agree with the updates and when you need to tell us, is available on GOV.UK. |
5. Add land: you can add land online (read page 27 of the ‘How to claim online in 2018’ guidance), fill in a BP5 continuation booklet, or email ruralpayments@defra.gsi.gov.uk before 4 May – put ‘BPS 2018 add land’ as the subject header and then include the SBI and business name, the relevant land parcel reference numbers, and your name and contact number in case of any queries. |
6. Transfer or remove land: you can do this online, unless the Rural Payment service, shows your status as ‘tenant’ or less than 100% owned (read pages 28 and 29 of the ‘How to claim online’ guidance). Or, fill in an RLE1 form. Do not remove land if you still control the land parcel under an existing Rural Development Programme agreement. If you do, the land parcel will be removed from your land record and from your agreement. For more information, read page 28 of the ‘How to claim online in 2018’ guidance, or page 23 of the ‘How to apply using a paper form’ guidance. |
7. Transfer entitlements: only the business that holds the entitlements at midnight on 15 May 2018 can use them to be paid for BPS 2018. Therefore, all transfers for the BPS 2018 scheme year must be made by midnight on 15 May 2018. You can transfer entitlements online or using an RLE1 form. |
8. Check and update land use: including agricultural and non-agricultural land use areas and land use codes to show the correct position on the ground at 15 May 2018. If you’re applying online check your information in the ‘land use’ screen. For more information, read pages 22 to 26 of the ‘How to claim online in 2018’ guidance. If you’re applying on paper, check Part C of your application form. For more information, read page 13 of the ‘How to apply using a paper form’ guidance. |
9. Check greening calculations: use the ‘Greening workbook for 2018’ whether you’re applying online or on paper. The information given in the online application summary is only a guide, so using the greening workbook will be more accurate. For information about making changes to your ecological focus areas (EFAs), read page 32 of the ‘How to claim online in 2018’ guidance, or page 24 of the ‘How to apply using a paper form’. Check the EFAs you’ve declared online using the ‘Use less EFA than available’ screen. To remove an EFA, click ‘N’ in the relevant row and then ‘Save’ the changes. |
10. Check the area you’ve claimed: always check the area that you’ve claimed for payment (C8) whether you’re applying online or on paper. If you apply online, you should also check the ‘activate less BPS area’ screen. This is because in some cases, the eligible area you want to claim for payment may have defaulted to 0.0000 in this screen. To correct this, type the area you want to claim for payment in the ‘applied for’ column. |
11. Sign the form: if you’re applying on paper, you must sign the form at Part L: Your declarations and responsibilities. Your application is not valid unless you’ve signed the form. |
12. Submit supporting evidence: remember that supporting evidence is part of your BPS application, so we must receive it by midnight on 15 May 2018. You can either post your evidence to: Rural Payments Agency, PO Box 352, Worksop, S80 9FG or bring it to one of our drop-in centres. |
13. Change a BPS 2018 application after 15 May: if you submit your application by midnight on 15 May, you can make certain changes to it without penalty up to midnight on 31 May. For more information, read page 5 of the ‘Basic Payment Scheme: rules for 2018’. |